Why couldn't I just have morning sickness? Instead I have all day sickness. Everything I even think about eating almost kills me and when I do eat I get really nauseous and I get the most horrible indigestion EVER !! I am only EIGHT weeks pregnant, I shouldn't have all these ailments yet... What doesn't kill you makes you stronger, right ?? I sure hope so. Yesterday was by far the worst day yet. I started feeling really bad right before lunch and finally @ 4:00 I left work and went to my mama's house (Mrs. Sonia - mom-in-law). She always takes care of me. I just sat on the couch and did nothing. She left for Weight Watchers and when she got back I was still there, on the couch, doing nothing. She picked up dinner for us so we ate a little then I crawled back on the couch, doing nothing. We didn't get home until 7:45... I was pathetic. Luckily, I got a really good nights rest & today I feel a little better. I haven't eaten yet b/c I am scared of the aftermath, so we'll see how the rest of the day goes.
sorry I haven't post any new pictures, I haven't been carrying my camera with me so I have nothing to blog about. I may have to borrow Sonia's camera and steal some of her pictures from the last couple of weeks.