On Nov. 29th, our house, at 2:00 pm, we had our close family and friends over to celebrate Kaleigh's birthday.
I have to give a shout out to Laura, Philip's cousin. She has taken up sewing and she made this dress especially for Kaleigh's 1st Birthday. She did a great job !! I was really suprised when we got the dress, Laura put her name of the bloomers. THANKS LAURA !!
Tyler and his great grandparents on my dads side, Nanny & PawPaw
Me with two of my very best friends, Valerie & Kelly.
You girls mean so much to me. LOVE YA !!
Philip & my brother JJ.
My Kalli Monkey... I love this kid to pieces !!

Kaleigh & Great Aunt CC

Sandra being sweet and pushing Ashley.

Ethan, Avery, and Olivia <3>

Kaleigh's new ride

Tyler was so excited about his baby sister's birthday. He did great !! He never once was jealous of her and all the attention. I have been so blessed by these awesome kids.

JJ & my grandmother. She truly has my heart and I love and respect her more than anyone knows.