It's hard to believe that Kaleigh is already turning ONE !! It seems like just yesterday I found out that we were pregnant.
On Nov. 29th, our house, at 2:00 pm, we had our close family and friends over to celebrate Kaleigh's birthday.
I have to give a shout out to Laura, Philip's cousin. She has taken up sewing and she made this dress especially for Kaleigh's 1st Birthday. She did a great job !! I was really suprised when we got the dress, Laura put her name of the bloomers. THANKS LAURA !!

Tyler and his great grandparents on my dads side, Nanny & PawPaw

Me with two of my very best friends, Valerie & Kelly.
You girls mean so much to me. LOVE YA !!

Philip & my brother JJ.

My Kalli Monkey... I love this kid to pieces !!

Kaleigh & Great Aunt CC

Sandra being sweet and pushing Ashley.

Ethan, Avery, and Olivia <3>

Kaleigh's new ride

Tyler was so excited about his baby sister's birthday. He did great !! He never once was jealous of her and all the attention. I have been so blessed by these awesome kids.

JJ & my grandmother. She truly has my heart and I love and respect her more than anyone knows.

KK and my mom Lori

We attempted to get the entire gang together BUT Tyler was NOT in the mood... So, here ya go.
Left to right: Half of Tyler, Kaiden making a crazy face, Kalli, Livi, KK, Avery, Ashley, & Ethan.

Avery showing off her two front teeth... Wait, I guess I should say, showing off her 'lack of' front teeth... :P