Saturday, February 28, 2009
A Covington Photo Shoot
Thursday, February 26, 2009

Me and My Gang
Kalli and Tyler going down the slide together.

Tuesday, February 17, 2009
Back to Work
Sunday, February 8, 2009
Saturday we met Valerie, Ethan, Avery, Sonia, Sandra, Bailey, Patsy and Conner @ Mr. Gatti's for lunch. The pizza was good but we just had to have more together time so we decided to go the park in Livingston. We picked up Greg in route so we added one more to our crewe. This is the best park I've been too because there was NO SAND !! The ground was covered in mulch which was so much easier to play in. Livingston is an extremely small community so the park wasn't nearly as crowded as the Denham Springs parks.
To end our day out with the family we noticed two girls riding horses around the park so we went by and asked them if the kids could pet them. The kids pet them and fed them grass. They were so excited. Now Tyler wants a horse and every cow or horse we see in a pasture he thinks we should stop and go pet them.
Today we enjoyed the outdoors yet again but at home and it involved a lawnmower, rakes and pruning bushes. Not nearly as fun but just being out in this wonderful weather just really made me feel so much better. I can't wait for Spring. That darn groundhog, he just had to see his shadow! At least for the time being the weather is nice and warm. We cut the grass and I pruned most of our crape myrtles and other random trees around the property. After the cutting we began raking all the little limbs that fell during the snow storm and put them into nice little piles and then burned them. I love the smell of fires. The fires then gave me the idea of cooking hamburgers on the grill and maybe having some SMORES afterwards. We called Sonia & she came over for dinner. Sonia nor Tyler had ever had S'MORES so me and Philip prepared them for them and I think they both enjoyed them, I know me and Philip did. I think we both had two or three a piece. I'll have to burn those extra calories at the gym tomorrow.
One more piece of my thoughts, this week is my last week of maternity leave. I report back to work on the 16th. I am really sad about it all so please keep me in your prayers, the baby blues are already pretty storng. I don't want to leave my babies :( It seems like only yesterday that Tyler was born and next month he is going to be 3 years old.
Thursday, February 5, 2009
The Almost 30 Club
Monkey Bizz
Wednesday, February 4, 2009
Somebody turned 50 !!!
Tuesday, February 3, 2009
Can you tell that Tyler really liked the trucks ??
Tyler and Philip were able to take a quick ride in 'Savage'. I was too scared to join them so instead I filmed the event. Tyler didn't want the ride to end and asked to ride it over and over again. Had it not cost $7 a piece to ride the thing we would have let him ride it a few more times.
I have a couple more video's to add but they wouldn't download correctly. I'll try again later.