Thursday, April 30, 2009

Like father like son

Our flower beds are quite a mess. The fact that the yard is covered with them means it has taken us quite some time to get them under control. We haven't even touched the back part of the property. Yesterday Philip got some garden soil so when we got home Tyler grabbed a shovel and started helping his daddy. He had to use his John Deere and his shovel. He was such a big boy.

Hard working men. :)-

Following the same route as Philip.

Tyler has pretty much mastered backing his tractor up to where ever he wants it. He wouldn't let Philip help him empty his bucket. That was HIS responsibility.

Spreading out the soil

He was so proud of himself. We would be working and he would stop and say "I'm doing a great job".

He even had to wash his tractor just like his daddy.

Saturday, April 25, 2009

Kaleigh - 5 months

My little girl made 5 months old today. We had a great day ! We went to our friend Dylan's 3rd birthday party and then we came home for naps. Then we had a swimming party in the tub. Kaleigh finally decided that water isn't so bad and started splashing like crazy. Tyler on the other hand wasn't to keen on the idea of her splashing water in his face. Yep Robin, he still hasn't gotten over it !! LOL ! Now we are watching Fox and the Hound II before we head off to bed.

This morning Tyler wanted me to take pictures of him so I got what I could.

Kaleigh watching our movie. She loves Todd and Copper.

Best Buds !!!!

Having our daily tummy time. Isn't she a big girl.

Sunday, April 19, 2009

A baby shower for TWO

My friend Sarah is having twins. A boy and a girl. She already has 3 children ranging from 7 to 2. Needless to say, she's gonna be pretty busy for the next MANY years. Sarah is one of these girls that barely looks pregnant. She's having TWINS for goodness sakes and she barely looks pregnant. She's all belly. She's actually glowing with beauty.

Sarah and Kaleigh. This was their first meeting and Kaleigh really liked her. She loved her jewelry and her laugh. Those Hardesty girls have quite the laugh.

During the shower she chilled in her carseat. She was having a blast watching Aunt Sandra. She is kinda funny looking... LOL !!! Not really, she's beautiful too.

Hamming it up for the camera. She was laughing a Sandra and Nunu.

Okay, just to make a note. I am not favoring Kaleigh with the photos. Tyler is refusing to take pictures right now so unless you want terror faces, no pictures of Tyler.

Thursday, April 16, 2009


I thought she looked like a sleeping angel. My little sleeping beauty.

Easter 2009

The Easter Bunny came to our house !! Tyler was more excited about the Easter Bunny vs Santa Claus. I was really surprised to see how wild he was before he went to bed. Everytime the dogs would bark outside he would jump and look out the window b/c he thought he might catch a glimpse of Peter Cottontail... He swears he got a glance at him.

Before the egg hunt.



Ty's basket. It had pretty wrapping around it but that came off before I could even get the camera turned on.

Kaleigh and her bunny.

Her beautiful Easter Sunday dress.


I didn't get to post these photos but back in January Tyler and Kaleigh took a nap together on the couch and they were just too cute.

Friday, April 3, 2009


We finally made our check-ups for the kids. So, here are the facts. Tyler is 38 inches tall(50th percentile) and weighs 35 pounds(50th percentile). I was kind of suprised that he hasn't gotten much taller in the last few months but Dr. Melton still says I am going to have some TALL kids. Kaleigh weighed 14 lbs 12 oz.(50th) and is 25 inches long(75th percentile). He was really impressed with how long she is already. Another tall kid !! So to the not so good part, Tyler is still petrified of Dr. Melton. Ever since his bout with RSV he flips out when we even mention going to the doctor. Yesterday morning Tyler was a little flush and had a very minor cough but by 10:00 when we picked him up from school it had really progressed into a nasty cough. He has a respiratory virus and he was running a medium grade fever. Long story short, he got some crazy chills and his fever went sky high to 104.5 so we got him in the tub and we have managed to maintain a 102.5 fever. Isn't that sad, we're happy with 102.5. That's how bad it was yesterday and last night. His cough is so bad that he can't finish a word without choking and we are having a really hard time getting him to take his medicine. He isn't fighting us but when he takes it he starts choking and he gags it back up. We're in a bit of a bind with that. Keep my man in your prayers over the weekend please. The doctor informed us that Kaleigh should be no where around us or Tyler so she spent the night with Sonia and Jimmy. So, I missing her terribly as well.

Thursday, April 2, 2009


Kaleigh is getting so chubby it's unreal. Here's the proof !! Who knows what she was laughing at... this girl is always smiling and giggling.