Thursday, April 30, 2009

Like father like son

Our flower beds are quite a mess. The fact that the yard is covered with them means it has taken us quite some time to get them under control. We haven't even touched the back part of the property. Yesterday Philip got some garden soil so when we got home Tyler grabbed a shovel and started helping his daddy. He had to use his John Deere and his shovel. He was such a big boy.

Hard working men. :)-

Following the same route as Philip.

Tyler has pretty much mastered backing his tractor up to where ever he wants it. He wouldn't let Philip help him empty his bucket. That was HIS responsibility.

Spreading out the soil

He was so proud of himself. We would be working and he would stop and say "I'm doing a great job".

He even had to wash his tractor just like his daddy.

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