We knew it was suppose to start snowing soon so we just sat inside patiently waiting.

Then Kaleigh fell asleep...
Then it started snowing.

Me and the boy playing in the snow... IT WAS FREEZING !!!

Poor THOMAS !! Left out in the snow.

I love our back yard, even covered in snow.

Daisy LOVES the snow, as you can tell by her stance. She ran around like a white fox that couldn't be found. We'd be walking and she shoot out of nowhere.

Making snowballs, some being for daddy since he was a work, AGAIN !!

Who you think he's aiming for . . . .


Once Kaleigh woke up we took a few pictures of her in the snow and then we came inside so she could check out daddy's snow

This snow isn't so tasty ....

Singing, dancing, and a clapping to Mickey Mouse Clubhouse

I still hadn't put up all of our Christmas boxes and I noticed Kaleigh was being very quiet....
She found my ribbon ....
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