Megan, Sarah and Suzanne posing for a shot - notice Ashley making use of her mouth since both hands were being used.

Most of the kids - Sarah, Katelynne, Tyler and Brody.

CC bought all the kids really cute PJ's. I didn't get a shot with all the girls but Ashley had fizzled out and just couldn't bear to take another picture.

CC bought all the kids really cute PJ's. I didn't get a shot with all the girls but Ashley had fizzled out and just couldn't bear to take another picture.
MONDAY, Dec. 24th - Christmas Eve
This year we went to Baton Rouge to spend the day with the Schoonmaker(mother's) side of the family. We had a pretty good time and enjoyed seeing our family. We had some highs and some lows as we celebrated good times with our family but we also missed the ones that are no longer with us. Not having Michael there was tough but as we all know, we get through these times together as a family. We enjoyed each others company and the food was pretty good so let's get down to more pictures.
Tyler loved his Christmas PJ's. I wouldn't let him wear them except for Christmas Eve night. He talked to his snowman, as he says, noman, and he would try to give him kisses.

Philip had been working like a dog. Sunday night he worked an 18 hr. shift and Monday night he worked his regular 12 hr. shift. Philip was home and well around 6:45 on Christmas morning and luckily he was able to be home when Tyler woke up to see what Santa had left him. After exchanging gifts b/t our little family we went to my parent's house to exchange gifts and to have lunch with Lori's side of the family, they have come for lunch the last few years and then we exchange gifts yet again with them. 3 Christmas' in a matter of a few hours. It was crazy.
Tyler riding his new 4-wheeler. He was peeling out in the house b/c the floors were so slick. It cracked him up.
Tyler and his PawPaw playing in the lazy boy.
You'll notice Tyler attacking Ryan. When Ryan doesn't give Tyler his undivided attention it usually results in wrestling.
Me and my little man opening up some of his presents.
He finally warmed up to his 4-wheeler.
Everytime we go to my parent's house we have to go see Bandit. Tyler loves him to pieces and since he is now into giving kisses Tyler got a big dog smooch from his friend.