I was just sitting here thinking about Tyler and how much he has turned into a little big boy and some of his new sayings stuck out so I thought I would share a few.
1. Not really a new thing but on the way to school in the mornings he gets so mad at the sun b/c it shines in his eyes. He fusses at it every morning. He says, "Go Away Sun, No, Go Away". Then I proceed to ask him to just look the other way and then he repeats, "Just other way". I get a laugh at this process every morning.
2. When we are trying to cheer him up and we tell him that something is FUN he gets so mad and says, "No, not fun mommy (or daddy)!!".
3. For nap time or bed time we start settling him down and we'll tell him he has 5 minutes until we go to bed and he repeats us and he's fine with it. The other day Sonia told him he had 10 minutes and he got mad with her and said "no nunu, 5 minutes!". I think she tried explaining it to him but he didn't want to hear it, all he knew was that he wanted 5 more minutes.
4. Tyler has started this little routine of getting in the bed with us in the mornings. He likes to lean over and turn our radio alarms on and then start dancing and jumping on the bed. He calls it 'dance time'. He gets pretty wild and our role is to keep him from jumping/falling off the bed. He loves it !!
5. When he isn't listening to us or he won't come with us, we'll tell him he better come here or he's going to get in trouble, which usually ends up with him getting in trouble. Well now out of nowhere he'll walk up to our dogs and start fussing at them and he'll say, "Bey, Day, come here NOW!". They usually just ignore him and he gets so mad so he'll start really yelling at them until they walk over to us like "what the heck is wrong with this kid".
6. He is so excited about our new house and that's what he calls it, the new house, he won't just say house. He's got to put the 'new' on the house.
7. He will be chowing down on his breakfast/lunch/dinner & he'll seriously look at us and say, "YUK".
8. The other night we baked some fish and he was so pumped up about eating fish that mommy and daddy caught. He put that first bite in his mouth and his eyes went all squinched and it was obvious that he did not like it but he kept chewing and finally swallowed his bite. He cautiously looked at Philip and said, "daddy, not like, no eat, please." As if we could make him eat it, he tried so hard to like it but it was clear that baked fish was not on his list of favorites... We tried not to laugh b/c we didn't want him to think we were making fun but it was really funny.
9. AND the best for last. Tyler will not say the words 'I love you'. He shows no interest. Of course I say it all the time hoping that one day he'll say it back. Last Saturday Tyler & I had a date night and we went to Target and I bought him one of his 'Cars' that he wanted. Well, as we were driving down the interstate he just came out and said "mommy, I love you". I started the water works of course and when I said it back to him he said, "no mommy, I love you". My heart melted. He's been saying ever since. It makes my day to hear him say it. He has since said it to Philip, Sonia, my dad and Lori. Also, on the same night, Tyler wore real underwear the whole day, even through nap and our night out. He didn't have the first accident. When we would first get somewhere and when we would leave he would go potty with no fuss. It was so nice to not have to worry about a diaper. He was so well behaved at dinner, I wasn't sure if he was even my child. Other parents were literally stopping at our table to tell me how lucky I was to have a well behaved child. I was so proud of him. Of course the next day he was a completely different child, he probably sat in time out more than half of the day but ANYWAY I was still very proud of my little man.