Monday, August 20, 2007

Gatti Land

A few weeks ago we went to Mr. Gatti's with some friends. Wade, Nicole, my family, Crystal and her three children all decided to go to Gatti Land on a Friday evening. What were we thinking?? It was a wild scene needless to say. Kids were running & screaming like wild banchies(Pardon my spelling, I have never had to spell banchie before). Wade was teasing Tyler the whole time & trying to make him eat weird pizza's, which Tyler would just spit right back at him. Tyler LOVES Wade to no end. Tyler is so shy and it has always amazed me how he will go right to Wade and just hug and love on him. Wade is just soo lovable, I guess... hehe. After dinner we ventured off into play land. The running and screaming was at a high by this point. Tyler rode the motor bike and did some racing with his daddy. Look how serious Tyler looked while racing with Philip. We had a great time.

1 comment:

Robin D said...

Gotta love the croch rocket! I love Gatti's! We've made the mistake of going on a Friday night too and it was crazy! It won't happen again...Joe will be sure of it!