Tuesday, November 25th Philip & I welcomed Kaleigh Ruth Covington to our family. She was born @ 11:19 am topping the scales @ 8 lbs 3.5 oz. She was right at 21 inches long and she has pretty dark hair. She also has quite the set of lungs because you could hear her cry a good mile away. All Tyler could say to everyone was that Kaleigh had come out. He has been so excited and very attentive to her. He hasn't shown any signs of jealously so far. He has already helped feed her, change her diaper and give her the pacifier. He is such a great BIG BROTHER !!
We chose the name Kaleigh just because we both really liked it. My middle name is Leigh which is why we chose the spelling of her name. Ruth is my grandmothers name on my moms side. She has been the most important person in my life for such a long time and it meant so much to me to name my daughter after her. When we were rolling into recovery we were able to see our family for a minute and when I told mama her name I couldn't control my emotions. I didn't realize at the time how overcome with emotions I was but watching the video I looked like a blubbering idiot. Mama really was a proud great-grandmother at that moment. Kaleigh is sure to be a strong woman if she is anything like her grandmother.
Tyler was really tired by this point and had the deer in the headlights look.

Aunt Suzanne holding her neice. She now has one of each.

Uncle JJ holding Kaleigh. He was so sweet with how gentle and sweet he was with her.

My three favorite kiddo's !! Isn't Ashley growing up so fast. She is entering the phase where they begin to look like mini adults.

My grandmother on my dads side, nanny, with another great-grandchild to add to her long list. I think Kaleigh makes # 10.

Philip feeding Baby Ruth her first bottle.

Kaleigh's going home outfit. She looked like a little angel.

Uncle Ryan holding Kaleigh. He tried so hard to be a good sport but you could tell that his nerves were shot after holding her for those long TWO minutes.

Grandma getting some Kaleigh time.

PawPaw is so proud to have another little grand-daughter. He really loves her dark hair. He and I were both keeping our fingers crossed that she would have our dark hair.

Loading Kaleigh up in the carseat. Kaleigh's first road trip was an adventurous trip. Philip was THAT dad, he probably didn't even make it to 60 miles per hour on the interstate.

Me and my girl once we got settled onto the couch.

Tyler holding his little sis for the 1st time. I must admit he did wonderfully !! To continue with my bragging, he hasn't acted badly with her not once since we have made it home. He keeps asking Philip when will she be big enough to play with him and his cars/trains. He loves her the most he says.

This is the video from when we got home and Tyler held his little sister for the first time. I can't say it enough when I say that Tyler absolutely loves Kaleigh.