Monday, August 18, 2008

The Next Emeril Lagasse

When Philip works nights Tyler and I really don't worry too much about dinner. We don't cook a big meal, we usually just eat sandwiches, frozen pizza, etc. Saturday night we decided that it was going to be a Macaroni and Cheese night. After the water came to a boil I put the noodles into the pot and I got a step stool and Tyler 'helped' me stir the noodles. Once they were all cooked he helped me mix in the milk, butter and cheese. He ate TWO bowls and after every bite he would remind me that he made his dinner. He was so proud of himself and to be honest so was I. I was worried that he wouldn't listen to me when I was warning him about the pot and burner being very hot, I was worried that he would start stirring everything all crazy and make a mess and plus I was just worried. Of course I was holding his hands the whole time we cooked just to have control but he didn't realize that's why I was helping. Anyway, I didn't get any pictures but I had to have this occassion marked.

Now to get to why this occassion was so very special to me.... My older brother JJ and I didn't have that many good memories as children but one thing we both remember is that our mom would let us help her in the kitchen. We both loved it and out of all of our bad memories, any good ones are even that much more special. We would make something called 'Cowboy Hash'(kind of like a spaghetti), mac & cheese, spaghetti, soup, etc. Food that we could cook in a pot basically. I hope Tyler can have good fun with me in the kitchen and I hope he will pass his good memories down to his little ones one day.

1 comment:

Robin D said...

I remember loving to help my mom in the kitchen too. Although I'm not sure how much she enjoyed us in there! I know Kaiden loves helping me when I let him. its just hard for me to let go and not be so up tight and let the mess happen. I'm trying and I'm sure Tyler will always have many great memories of the 2 of you that is until is pesty baby sister comes into the picture! :) Hehe