Friday, November 9, 2007

Back To Our Youth !!

Friday night we all went out to celebrate Chad and Joel's birthday. Chad is Nicole's husband. Nicole has become a really good friend and I am so glad to have met her through Wade. Their nickname is MaMaw & PaPaw b/c they go to bed so early. You know what I think about that - they better sleep as much as they can before they start having children b/c once those precious angels come into their lives they will not remember what the word 'sleep' means. Anyhow a bunch of us got together to celebrate and just hang out together. It's hard to get all of us together & it usually means that someone can't come and this time it was Dawn (AKA 'Baby D') and her husband Dean. We had a great time and the food was pretty good. After dinner we all decided to resort back to our youthful days of visiting the bars @ LSU. As we were walking to The Varsity Philip realized he didn't have his wallet so of course the door man was ID-ing and wouldn't let us in. My gosh !! We are 27 years old but the guy didn't care and we couldn't go in. SO, we decided to call it a night and had to part ways with our friends. I was so disappointed, I really wanted to go and watch the guys make fools of themselves :( Life is not fair.

Jenny and Crystal --- Jenny, Wade and Philip

Nicole and I striking a pose

Joel and Chad taking their Birthday shot.

Philip & I. I just love this man. I am so glad that he is my best friend and that he is such a wonderful father and husband.

1 comment:

Robin D said...

That's a really good picture of the 2 of you.