Monday, March 2, 2009


Everyday this week I plan on posting a picture of Tyler. He turns 3 this Sunday.

Also, I thought I would just take some time and post a few new things about Tyler.

I'll say, "whatcha doing big boy", "deal lucille", "lata alligator", etc. and he'll say, "I not deal lucille, I Tyler James". We constantly do things like this and it never fails he will repeat what we said and correct us. We love it !

Now that he is turning 3 he is having a hard time getting that 3rd finger up, he just can't get it to stay.

He loves for us to ask him what sound a dog, cat, cow, etc. make but now when he answers he growls it. He growls because big boys have muscles and are strong and they don't talk like a "bebe". :)-

He is really trying hard to con us from putting him to bed. When we finally get him tucked in he'll wait about 5 minutes and come out of his room and say that he has to poo poo. He'll get on the toilet and just sit there. We'll ask him if he's sure about having to poo poo and he says, "let me think a bit". After a couple of minutes of thinking he'll say "no poo poo, sorry mommy". Then he'll go on to bed.

He really is into the park.

He loves NASCAR, football, baseball and basketball. Since Ryan has made the high school basketball and baseball team we've been going to more games that usual. Almost every evening he'll ask me if we're going to a ball game.

He is learning everyone's full name. For example: I say "what's mommy's name", he'll say "Katie Leigh, that's right !!" All the names end with 'that's right'.

He has been out of pull ups pretty much for a year now with the exception of nighttime and he has only wet it maybe a handfull of times.

He loves singing "Happy Birthday".

He wonders why Kaleigh gets milk from me and he has to drink it from a cup.... I just tell him that it's the way God wants it.

If we're watching TV and someone even so slightly gives someone a kiss he'll look at me and say "go kiss daddy".

He still loves trains, CARS and now he is into Monster Trucks.

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